Optimisation of ventilation system energy consumption with artificial intelligence

Optimisation of ventilation system energy consumption with artificial intelligence.
HVAC systems account for a large part of the energy consumption in public and commercial buildings. In this project, we’re investigating how the HVAC systems can be operated better using artificial intelligence. As something new, our models will utilise high-resolution consumption data and indoor climate data from IQ Energy Nordic’s sub-meters.
The goal of the project is to document a solid business case that can be replicated by other building owners.
Project description.
The two-year project connects energy data from 400 HVAC systems in municipal properties with associated indoor climate data from the service areas. This data is combined with data about weather, building characteristics, use and energy codes. Machine Learning algorithms will be developed to identify energy waste, indoor climate problems and to help with preventive maintenance.
The algorithms are used to assist the energy management and monitoring center to suggest concrete actions in relation to BMS management and technical service. The specific actions are passed on to the municipal operating staff, who in collaboration with the energy management center will implement, register and monitor the effect of the measures.
The project’s partners include IQ Energy Nordic who will be responsible for energy management, including collecting data from buildings and supplying it to Ento Lab’s platform. Ento Labs is responsible for the development of algorithms in the project and the results are also made available in the Ento Labs energy optimisation platform.
The municipal partners Høje-Taastrup, Rudersdal, Frederiksberg, Sønderborg and Roskilde Municipality provide access to buildings and technical facilities. The municipalities represent different stages and strategies within data-driven energy optimisation. The buildings included in the project represent a wide variety – from small day care institutions to town halls with many HVAC systems. The municipalities’ experience thus contributes to the results being replicated by other public and commercial building owners after the project is completed.
The project is supported by ELFORSK with DKK 1,390,000. Read more about the project here.