
What is the Affinity Law – and what does it have to do with your HVAC system?

The Affinity Law is incredibly relevant to anyone with a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Leveraging it can lead to substantial benefits in comfort and energy efficiency – especially when paired with innovative technologies like Ento Control.

What is the Affinity Law – and what does it have to do with your HVAC system?

The Affinity Law is incredibly relevant to anyone with a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. By the end of this post, you’ll understand its significance in HVAC systems, and how leveraging it can lead to substantial benefits in comfort and energy efficiency – especially when paired with innovative technologies like Ento Control.

Understanding the Affinity Law

At its core, the Affinity Law is about relationships – the kind that exists between the speed at which your HVAC system's components run, the air or water they move, and the energy they consume.

The three mathematical principles explain how changes to the speed of these components influence the system's overall performance. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. First Affinity Law: speed and flow rate
    The first law states that if you alter the speed of a fan or pump, the flow rate of air or water changes proportionally. Simply put, double the speed, and you double the flow.

  1. Second Affinity Law: speed and pressure
    The second law tells us that the pressure or 'head' created by a pump or fan is proportional to the square of its speed. This means if you increase the speed of a fan, the pressure it generates increases exponentially.

  1. Third Affinity Law: speed and power consumption
    The third – and most crucial law for energy savings – reveals that the power consumed by these components is related to the cube of their speed. So, a small reduction in speed can lead to a significant drop in power usage and, consequently, energy costs.

To put it simply and into the context of HVAC systems, these laws become essential for optimising energy efficiency. By adjusting the speed of components according to actual need, rather than running them at full capacity all the time, considerable energy savings can be achieved.

Affinity Law vs. motor efficiency

It is important to note that the Affinity Law is only part of the equation when considering the energy consumption of a ventilation system. The ventilators’ motor efficiency is also a factor that needs to be considered. While the Affinity Law basically describes the effects of fluid in a duct and how the friction between the two impacts the energy consumption, the motor is generating the power needed to obtain the fluid's velocity. As the motor typically gets more efficient with higher RPM (revolutions per minute), it counteracts the Affinity Law. However, for the sake of simplicity, this article only focuses on the Affinity Law’s influence on energy consumption.  

The Affinity Law in a real-life scenario

Consider this real-world analogy:

Imagine you're driving a car. The harder you press the accelerator, the faster you go. And the more fuel you use. Your HVAC system, when guided by the Affinity Law, behaves similarly. If it runs at full speed all the time, it uses a lot of energy. But if you can adjust the speed based on your actual needs, you save energy and money.

Which is where things get interesting.

The impact of the Affinity Law on your energy consumption (and budget)

Let’s put some numbers on it to illustrate what this means for energy efficiency: When you reduce the fan speed of your ventilation system by 20%, your energy consumption will reduce by 50%. This shows how vital it is to understand and apply the Affinity Law.

HVAC systems that run more efficiently, don’t just reduce energy consumption (and thus, your expenses); they are also subject to less wear and tear which subsequently extends their lifespan. Hence, the less you use your HVAC systems, the later you will need to invest in a replacement.

The role of AI in optimising HVAC systems

Enter Artificial Intelligence. When AI takes the wheel, it dynamically adjusts the HVAC system in response to real-time data it receives from sensors instead of blindly following a set schedule. This is not only keeping energy consumption in check but also ensures optimal indoor air quality and comfort of the building’s occupants.

In some countries, it is required by law to keep CO2 levels within specified limits. AI systems help maintain regulatory compliance by ensuring indoor CO2 levels do not exceed safe limits. But we’ll get to that in a bit.

Case: Smart ventilation in a Danish kindergarten

The following kindergarten presents an illuminating case where the practical application of the Affinity Law through AI has been evident. The dataplot reveals a clear correlation between fan speed and power consumption within their ventilation system. Prior to integrating Ento Control, the system's fans were fixed to operate at a steady – and high – capacity regardless of actual needs, which was far from energy-efficient.

The graph plots fan speed against power consumption. It shows a distinct, almost exponential increase in energy usage as fan speed rises – an embodiment of the Affinity Law's third principle: power usage is proportional to the cube of the speed.

After implementing Ento Control, AI algorithms adjusted fan speeds in real-time, ensuring that they ran only as fast as necessary. This smart modulation resulted in significant energy savings and a more balanced use of resources.

The data show that at lower fan speeds, the power requirement stays minimal, which reflects the reduced energy consumption due to AI intervention. This intelligent management not only aligns with the energy-saving ethos of the Affinity Law but also supports the Danish legal requirement to regulate CO2 levels within the kindergarten (Bygningsreglementet § 447 limits the CO2 levels in day care centres and school classrooms to 1000 ppm), showcasing AI's pivotal role in marrying compliance with conservation.

Ento Control's AI-driven approach ensures that the Danish kindergarten enjoys an optimised indoor environment with reduced operational costs.

Ento Control: AI-powered HVAC optimisation

Ento Control is at the forefront of applying the Affinity Law through Artificial Intelligence. The solution integrates with your existing HVAC systems  and intelligently adapts to your building’s unique needs.

This means it considers factors such as outdoor temperature, sunlight, and building occupancy. By this, it helps deliver a perfectly balanced indoor climate with maximised energy efficiency.

To exemplify the impact an AI-operated ventilation system can have, let’s look into the following case of a Danish elementary school.

Case: Automatically adapting ventilation to the occupancy of a Danish elementary school

Before implementing Ento Control, the building used significant amounts of energy because the ventilation system was running on a fixed schedule from Monday to Friday, only shutting off on weekends. Moreover, with around 70% fan speed, the ventilators were operating at a higher capacity than often necessary, leading to excessive energy consumption and increased wear on the system.

The graph below clearly shows the point in time when Ento Control took over. Ento’s AI drastically reduced the fan speed by adapting to the CO2 levels in the air. Which is why the ventilation system shut off completely during the autumn break – the CO2 levels were within a normal range as there were no occupants in the building.

In conclusion: understanding the Affinity Law brings tangible benefits

In essence, Ento's AI uses the relationships defined by the Affinity Laws to modulate the HVAC system’s components, adjusting their speeds intelligently based on real-time data. This results in maintaining the required building temperature and air quality with the least amount of energy required.

The AI’s understanding of the building’s insulation and occupancy patterns allows it to anticipate and react to changes, ensuring that the HVAC system operates within the most efficient parameters set by the Affinity Laws.

Understanding the Affinity Law isn't just for engineers or HVAC professionals. It's key knowledge for anyone looking to make their building more energy-efficient and comfortable. With AI-driven solutions like Ento Control, applying these principles becomes effortless, resulting in tangible benefits in sustainability, comfort – and for the bottom line.


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